The Living Canvas of Rosewood

  • Research,
  • Insights,
  • Campaign Development,
  • Copywriting,
  • Storytelling,
  • Photography

Our work with Rosewood Hotels & Resorts resonated with our commitment to evocative visual storytelling. We were commissioned to create imagery for Rosewood’s new properties in Sanya, Hainan, and Phnom Penh, where we employed a unique approach combining storytelling, visual concept development, and photography production, capturing immersive experiences of these destinations while retaining a luxurious aesthetic: the challenge was to convey the distinct character and charm of these locations while aligning with Rosewood’s sophisticated brand identity. Our task was to create visual and narrative content that would not only attract potential guests but also encapsulate the subtle yet profound sense of place that Rosewood properties are known for.

Enjoying traditional Cambodian attire at ROSEWOOD PHNOM PENH
An advertisement depicting entry into a traditional forest area with a natural and charming atmosphere
Views of the majestic buildings of Rosewood Phnom Penh that reflect luxury and elegance
Sailing through the bay under clear skies and calm waters

We began with in-depth research into the cultural, historical, and environmental aspects of Sanya and Phnom Penh. This research informed our storytelling, enabling us to craft narratives that highlighted the unique allure of each location. For Sanya, we focused on the serene beauty of navigating the tropical seascape, and the harmonious blend of nature and luxury. In Phnom Penh, we emphasized the charm of discovery: the pockets of traditional culture and the mingling of contemporary themes in deeply historical spaces. Our visual concepts were designed to reflect these narratives, using striking black and white photography to evoke a sense of timeless elegance and allowing us to highlight the intricate details and textures of the environments.

The execution phase involved meticulous planning and collaboration with local talent and resources. Our team scouted locations extensively to find the perfect settings that would bring our concepts to life. In Sanya, we captured the tranquility of the pristine beaches amd the lush greenery of the surrounding landscapes. In Phnom Penh, we focused on the grandeur of the city's historical landmarks, and the dynamism of urban scenes.

Our collaboration with Rosewood Hotels & Resorts on this project underscores our ability to blend storytelling, visual artistry, and strategic execution to create compelling content that captures the spirit of a destination.

Cycling in the Phnom Penh area with an interesting backdrop of buildings
A monk walking outside the Royal Palace Throne Hall in Phnom Penh, creating a serene and spiritual scene
Entering a lush and natural traditional forest area, enjoying the stunning beauty of nature
A cover magazine of Rosewood