Quantum at Serenia Hills

  • Brand Strategy,
  • Brand Identity Development,
  • Logo and Visual Systems,
  • Naming and Tagline Creation,
  • Copywriting,
  • Content Strategy,
  • Social Media,
  • Brochures,
  • Photography

In the pioneering spirit of innovation, we unveiled the essence of future living with the Quantum cluster at Serenia Hills. Before the wave of smart homes was popularised, we foresaw the horizon in 2016, crafting a haven where technology meets comfort.

Quantum - a name that resonates with the cutting-edge, encapsulates the vision of a life enhanced by smart technology. From the inception of its name to the realisation of its identity, our journey with Quantum was holistic.

We designed the identity, and meticulously developed marketing materials that resonate with sophistication and innovation. "Smart Homes for Every Generation," our tagline, echoes the timeless appeal of Quantum homes, reaching hearts across all ages. Our strategy wasn't just about introducing smart homes; it was about pioneering a movement towards intelligent living spaces, setting a benchmark in the realm of real estate. Through our comprehensive branding, design, positioning, and a carefully executed marketing campaign, the Quantum cluster at Serenia Hills emerged not just as a project, but as a lifestyle choice for the discerning, spanning generations.

Informative brochure book showcasing Quantum properties
Resident enjoying the balcony at Quantum property
Resident opening curtains in a Quantum unit
Dining area view in a Quantum unit
Engaging Instagram content from Quantum
Exterior view of a Quantum housing unit
Billboard advertisement for Quantum housing units
View of the Quantum website on a mobile device
Promotional flyer for Quantum properties
Mobile version of the Quantum website
View of the Quantum website on a laptop